
Oh we “Gotta have faith, faith, faith”… This song by George Michael is playing in my head as I start this article. It’s the topic on the Doreen Virtue “Angel Card” I picked to begin my meditation last night. The word faith was a major lesson in the last six years of my life.

My faith has gotten so much stronger because I’ve discovered how much help we have in spirit at the most practical levels. Examples of this in my life include: 1) I have amazing help to counteract changes in my pension plan. This often comes in the form of dream guidance with specific visual aids. 2) I have help from spirit to stay focused when I’m researching my ancestors. I have one guide that tells me to pay attention to catch errors or get a good lead. I have another that tells me YES, I figured it out correctly! Yeah.. 3) I have guidance with health, digestion and well being and 4) with life balance… you name it, I have it. I’m receiving spiritual assistance as I write this too. I am most grateful.

The point is though that we all have this kind of help whether we’re aware of it or not. We are all here to learn from our life’s challenges and pleasures. Picture us as astronauts with a Mission Control. If fact, no matter where we are on our personal journey, God is always with us. We have a host of guides and angels supporting us too.

I like to think that when we say a prayer or have an intention, we are always assigned help. Even if we don’t believe it, we can be guided by the animals and birds we see, the dreams we have, the people they help bring into our lives, the words we hear or read. All of these things will have meaning to us on some unconscious or conscious level. This is essential to keep in mind when we face our challenges. It’s also valuable to remember when we are concerned about others. We don’t have to be the person that solves the problem for others. We can be souls that focus on our own growth and let others do the same. If we are asked to help, sure, that’s great. Otherwise, it’s important to know we can keep others in our prayers. “Let go and let God” is a wonderful approach.

What does faith mean? Faith means trusting that God and Spirit are always here for us. It’s an amazing network of support. Our job is to stay lifted as much as we can and let serendipity come into our lives. If we are led to learn how to communicate with our guides, wonderful. For those who don’t believe in it or aren’t interested at all, that’s o.k. It’s not a part of their path in the this lifetime. Traditional religion, nature or other avenues will be what makes their souls sing. Oh we “Gotta have faith, faith, faith”…

Love and Light, L.

6 thoughts on “Faith

  1. I had a writing assignment that I needed to depend on memory for content. The memory was just not coming through, yet I asked Spirit to help with regaining the memory. The time for publication was drawing near …..nothing was coming. Without knowing I was depending on Spirit to “deliver”. Then one day the memory came with great acceptance. It was not near what I thought I would get, but was exactly what I needed for the writing.
    Faith does wonders, doesn’t it? 🙂


    1. That’s wonderful. I’ve found that helps too. When I am trying to find or remember something, I’ll usually get a quick visual image with the information I had just requested. Aren’t we lucky?


  2. Your article on “Faith” is inspiring! Thank you!
    Those of us that are lucky to have you in our lives have been a witness to your continuous sharing of this faith…..not only in one area of your life but many.
    It’s exciting to be with you on this journey!


  3. Linda: I like your article a lot.  I suggest that you break the paragraphs into several shorter paragraphs.  It gives readers an opportunity to sort out the ideas. 



  4. This is very timely. God provides us assistance through tools that resonate through the life it created as us. Having faith to trust God is good.


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